It's my 22nd berfday today FOO....So what now?!?!? Holla bakkkkk.
Well, its almost 5:30am and im NOT sleep yet. I'm beginning to think I suffer from slackerinsomnia. I'll explain it another day (you know me...i probably wont). Anyway, I just spent like the last 5 hours finishing up a web page for .cru at my school and frankly im about tired of looking at table tags and defunct javascript. Of course since today is my birthday and I only have like 18 more hours left you KNOW I'll be posting again about this precious day. Now that I have written enough crap in here I can preview my new template...
Why does Jason Sutter have to design all the beginning blog templates? He isn't very creative-all those templates are ugly. Im not h8n Mr. Sutter, but you need to give the CSS up b/c your templates are booooooootty. LoL...aight im out.
Cherish this day yall. I know I am....Pray that somebody treats me to OG tonight...a sista GOTS to have that garlic chicken CON brocolli.
If you think I rocked my mic then holla!